Friday, March 03, 2006

Latest News

Greetings fellow metalheads! I apologize for the delay in posting a meaningful diary. I have been incredibly busy these past couple of months. I finally received my LSAT score. While it isn't as high as I expected, I'm still in the mid 150's, which will help me get in a decent Chicago-area law school. I suppose my forte isn't standardized testing because I was doing very well in the practice tests I took. However, I have to keep pushing forward and must not let anything get me down.

A lot has been going on lately in the world of politics. A video showing the Bush administration ignoring Katrina warnings has made significant noise. The left is surely attacking the Bush administration, which has recurrently proved that Americans cannot trust federal government-loathing people to govern. This administration has demonstrated how incompetent it is. Sure, they're awfully good at politics and framing the debate, but responsible social and fiscal governing has been more than lackluster.

For Democrats like me, this doesn't mean that this year's midterm elections will be glorious. The DNC has to develop some meaningful ideas that will resonate with the American public. The Dems will not win if they simply run on GOP failures (and there are plenty of them). I sure hope Democratic leaders like Rahm Emanuel (head of the DCCC)are creating a strong message.

The other big story is the Dubai Ports deal. This story bores me, so I don't really have anything to editorialize about. I will say that this situation raises questions about the Bush administration's true political motivations. Bush's 2004 campaign was infested with "fight against terrorism" rhetoric. He consistently asserted that he would do anything to beat the terrorists. Furthermore, the contrapositive to this is that he would also NOT do anything that would help the terrorists. I'm not suggesting that such a deal would help terrorism in any way. I am, however, saying that this fiasco reveals a crucial inconsistency - that suddenly Bush isn't as austere about this principle anymore.

Those Republicans who support the president on this deal (many GOP are opposed) have spewed vitriol at the Dems, suggesting that their opposition stems from outright racism. I will say this isn't the case. However, it is quite apparent that this debacle is all about politics. It's understandable since it is, indeed, an election year.

Share your thoughts!


BigNewsDay said...

Great post Lefty! Don't be discouraged on your LSAT grade. I'm sure your going to kick ass in law school.

I do agree that the Dems need to provide a platform, or the right will continue to say that we don't have any ideas. If our party steps up, we can sweep these mid-term elections.

BigNewsDay said...

A guitar that was forgotten that completely kicks ass is the Gretsch. I am also a huge fan of rockabilly, and you have to play a Gretsch if your going to play rockabilly.

BigNewsDay said...

Os, I think that he has shown that people without common sense should not be running countries.

Lefty Metalhead said...

When Bill Clinton was in office, the country was in much better standing. Clinton was socially liberal, but fiscally responsible (not necessarily conservative). The neocons can't govern for shit! Progressives, and basically anyone other than supply-side conservatives, can do a better job.

Why is it that this country has faced it's most recent dire financial moments while Republican (self-proclaimed conservatives) presidents were in power? And why have liberal-leaning Democrats cleaned many messes up (FDR, Clinton, etc)?

BigNewsDay said...

Carter inherited a faultering economy from the Nixon/Ford administration. He didn't have a chance. Reagan's economic policies destroyed many lives in this country. The economy didn't start to go south during the Clinton years until the dot-com bust.

Lefty Metalhead said...

Plus Reagan was the first jerkoff to fuck with social security, a system which, thanks to FDR, has made the lives of many senior citizens better.