Friday, March 10, 2006

The End of the Bush Administration?

The Bush administration suffered yet another political blow, thanks to the collapse of the Dubai Ports deal. Bush's painfully low approval ratings may have pushed many GOP Congressmen to oppose the deal, despite Bush's veto threat. Being an election year, this isn't all too surprising. This latest debacle solidifies the idea of Bush's White House being incompetent.

Incompetence has been the theme of the Bush administration since being re-elected. He failed miserably on social security reform, despite his national tour promoting it. He pissed off his wingnut base by nominating Harriet Miers, a seemingly qualified attorney who wasn't conservative-enough. The far-right hated her so much, that they denied her the "up-or-down vote" they have been so vociferous about! Bush ignored warnings about Katrina's potential devastation, possibly leading to FEMA not having the resources to be at the scene in time. At the moment, he's shifting blame to Congress for the lack of progress in the rebuilding efforts, a tactic that implicates his fellow GOP (remember Congress is GOP-controlled). The Iraq mess is only getting worse, and now Iran appears to be in the cross hairs. How many days was Bush on vacation in Texas?

While the Democrats still must work hard to convert these failures into Congressional gains, the job is looking much easier these days. Could this be the end of the so-called conservative movement? I sure hope so because it sure hasn't worked!

Bye Bye Dubya!


BigNewsDay said...

Amen Brother!!!!

I'm still stumped on how the people of south-east Texas renominated DeLay. Hopefully these fools will wake up before the fall, but then again, south-east Texas is a KKK strong-hold with the wonderful towns of Vidor and Jasper. That will let you know what the mentallity is like down there.

Anonymous said...

Sure, his approval ratings are at record lows, and even many repubs are acknowledging his incompetence. BUT never underestimate these guys!! They have shown time & time again how ruthless they are capable of being! I wouldn't be surprised if we experienced another so-called "terrorist" attack soon which they can pin on the Iranians for an excuse for another war. Let's look beyond the nuclear issue too - as of March 20, Iran will be switching from Dollars to Euros for dealing their oil...and the Bush admin. does NOT want that, as it could severely damage us economically..can anyone take a wild guess on which country was the last one to try and make this switch from dollars to euros? Anyone..?

BlackLabelAxe said...

The KKK reference is invalid. The Klan is the terrorist wing of the Democratic party. I doubt that any klansmen still vote Democrat, but I doubt that they vote Republican either. Ask Robert Byrd about that if you don't beleive me. Most klansmen live in the midwest anyways, southeastern states like Texas and Alabama get unfairly portrayed as hotbeds for those lunatics, and it just isn't true.

If we do anything against Iran, it's going to be a strategic airstrike that shuts down their nuke programs. That will require no ground support whatsoever, and it will be very quick and well-supported by the international community. France is on board with the crackdown because they realize that Iran has missiles that could hit Paris.

BlackLabelAxe said...

I hate the klan for hundreds of reasons, one of them is because they are the SOLE reason why anybody could ever make a connection between the Confederate battle flag and racism.

BigNewsDay said...

I used the KKK reference to stir emotions. Neither of the cities i listd are even in DeLay's district.DeLay drew his district up to include parts of Houston with high property values and a lot of land houses numerous oil fields.

But Jasper and especially Vidor are known as havens for the klan. At one time, Vidor was the Texas HQ for the klan. Well over half the population was on Federal assisted housing, but 100% of the population was white.

Do some research into Vidor.

Oh, and David Duke was a Republican.

Lefty Metalhead said...

Military action against Iran quick and painless? Isn't that what we were told about Iraq?

crallspace said...

I must agree... I sure hope so too.

Conservatism is akin to nazism, just by the mention of the word... thank Bush and his nutcase following for that.

crallspace said...


How are you going to call Liberalism BIG BROTHER govt. in light of Bush's illegal spy program and the fascist pro-war propoganda the pentagon feeds us and Iraqi papers? The true liberals in congress are against this big Brother Bush environment, so I don't know how you say my notion is backwards.

Darkness Descends said...

im still surprised alot people voted for him. bush cheated.