Monday, December 05, 2005

Those Were the Days...

James Hetfield and Dimebag Darrell Abbott (RIP)

I sure miss the days when Metallica employed the thrash metal attitude. But I really miss the days when Dimebag was alive! Why was he taken from us so soon? In three days, we will see the first anniversary of the legend's murder. It still hurts. It still chokes me up when I listen to Cemetery Gates or Hollow. I dedicate this entire week to Dimebag Darrell's memory. I miss you Dime. I still can't get over taking you for granted for so long. Rest in Peace bro'.


BlackLabelAxe said...

Great picture, Lefty. Those were the days when Het still had long hair and wrote metal songs, and Darrell Abbott still went by "Diamond Darrell".

That picture reminded me that he's up there with Cliff and Bon, and knowing him, probably Hank too.

Dime was the coolest m'fer on the planet. It didn't matter if 10 people showed up at a gig, he'd still play balls-out and blow you away. Hard rock and metal is so much better off for him having lived the life he did, and he is sorely missed. Even in passing, he brought the metal community together in praise of his great music like we haven't done since Black Sabbath.

BigNewsDay said...

I dig that picture as well. That's how I remember the dude. If I was to guess, I would say this is about 1986 or 1987. Near the time period that Phil joined and the Power Metal album was recorded. We would go see them frequently at this little bar in Arlington called Metal Works. They would play a pretty good set, take a break, and then come out and play a set of nohing but Randy Rhodes era Ozzy tunes, and maybe a metallica song or so. It was always a party.