Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao

Genre: Black Metal
Year: 2007

For those who were disappointed with "Chimera" and "Grand Declaration of War" might enjoy this album. However I just want to add that I have no problem with GDOW. Ordo Ad Chao marks the return of Attila Csihar of whom provided vocals on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. The production on Odo Ad Chao is very dry and fits the music well. The music on this record is dark and evil. They haven't sounded this evil since the early days. There is even a doom metal influence on this OAC. Strangely, Mayhem's only original member in the band, Necrobutcher does not play on this album. Mayhem's guitarist Blasphemer plays bass. However Necrobutcher is still part of the band's line up. Blasphemer's guitar playing is very unique and I think he is a very overlooked guitarist in metal. Hellhammer's drumming on this album is great as always. He is one of the greatest drummers of all time, if not THE greatest drummer. Attila sounds like he's being possessed. His vocal performance is excellent. It fits the creepy atmosphere on Ordo Ad Chao.

Overall, this is Mayhem's best after DMDS. A masterpiece and one of the best albums of 2007. A very creative and strange record.

Rating: 10+/10
Mayhem - Illuminate Eliminate

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