Thursday, September 28, 2006


Looks like Blabbernu went PC.

"To report any abusive, obscene, defamatory, racist, homophobic or threatening comments, or anything that may violate any applicable laws, please send an e-mail to with pertinent details. Anyone posting such material will be immediately and permanently banned. IP addresses are recorded to aid us in enforcing these conditions."

Now I am not a racist man nor a homophobic man but isn't it obscene comments that gave Blabbermouth it's name? I think Bori(ng) just lowered the standards.

So if you are upset with come over to a site that isn't full of uptight numbskulls. Sign up for Metal Pwns All today! You won't find any Avenged Sevenfold news there.

Orignally posted on BigNewsDay


Darkness Descends said...

Lefty Metalhead said...

Pathetic. THey have officially lost any edge they had.

Anonymous said...
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